Thursday, March 7, 2013

Anti-gun insanity hits schools nationwide.

You may have heard some of these recent news stories, but just in case you haven't here is a roundup:
  • In Washington today, a six-year old boy was suspended for school because he was overheard for simply talking about toy guns (keep in mind, not real ones) with his classmates.
  • Actor Joseph C. Phillips' 15-year old son's mental state was called into question by his school when he showed a picture of an airsoft BB gun to a classmate. The school also threatened police action.
  • An entire county went into lock-down after a school doctor's office receptionist heard the words "school" and "shooting" on a student's voicemail while confirming an appointment. In reality, the voicemail message was actually a quote from the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, which read, "And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school."
  • A 7-year old boy at Park Elementary School in Brooklyn Park was suspended for allegedly chewing a breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun. The student claims that he was actually trying to chew it into the shape of a mountain, and a teacher ordered him to go to the principal's office. Recent reports also state that the school is offering counseling to any students who may have witnessed the traumatizing act. 
There are a few more stories like this, but I cannot recall them at the moment. This is just and example of the mass hysteria surrounding guns promoted by the mass media and government.

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